Due to the costs of travel and transporting our sensitive testing equipment, a minimum of 25 pipettes (or a minimum of $500 invoice total) are required for on-site service requests outside of Columbus, Ohio. Grouping with a neighboring lab (or labs) is an acceptable way to meet this requirement.

If on-site service is not possible, our fast & convenient
mail-in service is always available for any number of pipettes.

On-site calibration is only available within the following states: Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Indiana, and Kentucky.

Service Request Form

Use this form to request on-site service in your laboratory. After completion a Tek-Pette representative will promptly contact you to set-up or confirm your appointment.

Quote Request Form

Use this form if you wish to receive an itemized pricing quote prior to setting up an appointment. A quote can be submitted to your purchasing department in order to generate a purchase order number for payment, or to submit to your lab management for approval. A detailed quote in PDF format will be promptly emailed to you after being reviewed. If you need more information on costs or prices, please visit our pricing page.

Service Request Form


Quote Request Form